3D Rendering Performance using 3dsmax 7 & CineBench 9.5

We're looking at 3D rendering performance using two different applications: 3D Studio Max and Cinebench 9.5. Cinebench is a free performance testing utility based off of the CINEMA 4D R8 rendering package. Our scores from 3D Studio Max are a composite score from four rendering tests: CBalls2, SinglePipe2, UnderWater, and 3dsmax5 Rays.

General Performance - 3D Rendering

The Core 2 Extreme leads by 24% in the 3D Studio Max composite score, with performance leads in the individual tests ranging from 20% to 31%. At the lower end of the performance spectrum, the E6300 averages a 9% lead over the X2 3800+ and performs about equal to the 4200+. The margin of victory over the 3800+ ranges from 7% to 12% in the individual results.

General Performance - 3D Rendering

General Performance - 3D Rendering

Moving on to Cinebench, Core 2 Extreme takes the performance crown again, but with a closer margin of victory than in 3dsmax: 14%-15% in SMP and single CPU modes. The Core 2 Duo E6300 barely comes out ahead of the X2 3800+, but the 1%-3% lead is basically a tie.

Application Performance using Winstone 2004 Encoding Performance using DivX 6.1, WME9, Quicktime (H.264) & iTunes
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  • Kougar - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link

    I wasn't sure of the B2 Stepping 6 info because it has been impossible to find CPU-Z shots of this chip, let alone anyone reviewing them!!

    Mostly I just want to ensure Intel doesn't pull any surprises or OC limiting with them, at this point if the B2 Stepping 6 with that last round of bugfixing performs even the same as a Stepping 5 I'd be extremely happy!
  • redpriest_ - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link

    Thanks Wesley - my Core 2 Duo Extreme X6800 is definitely a Stepping 6, Revision B2 Conroe. It has a packaging date of July 5, 2006. I have all the multipliers unlocked, and I am stuck at around 3.466 ghz using multipliers only for stability. I am running on the Intel 975X BadAxe rev 304 with the latest BIOS.

    I haven't tried upping the bus from there, yet - I am using 1.4 volts; default voltage isn't dual prime 95 stable at 3.466 ghz, but is at 3.2 ghz.

    I haven't tried any intermediate voltages between there to test, so it's possible my Conroe is stable at 3.466 ghz at less voltage. I'll give that a try.
  • Kougar - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link

    What motherboard is this? Have you double-checked your RAM settings and memory ratio? I'd imagine setting a 1:1 ratio, using the most relaxed timings, and slowly ramping up the FSB would get you further. And do try less voltages... ;)

    That's my plan anyway, DDR2-800 memory speeds on a 1:1 ratio thanks to a 400FSB, 10x multiplier... :)
  • Kougar - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link

    Anandtech used Engineering Sample CPUs, so they would be B0 Stepping 4 or B1 Stepping 5 only. Only retail models will be B2 stepping 6...

    Did you change your cpu voltage any? Sounds like you didn't ;)
  • redpriest_ - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link

    I had to - 1.4 (1.35 real) to get to 3.466, and 1.5 to 3.733.
  • Wesley Fink - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link

    Did you OC by adjusting multipliers first? We could run the X6800 at 3.46 at 13 multiplier using stock voltage, but using 315 bus times the stock 11 multiplier required a small voltage increase. The easiest OCs used higher multipliers and modest FSB increases. The E Conroes are locked, however, and can only be overclocked by increasing the FSB.
  • redpriest_ - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link

    Yes, I tried using multipliers only, I haven't fiddled with bus speed yet.
  • Kougar - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link

    First, the X6800 is selling at NewEgg, and they are price gouging it for all it's worth. Still listed in stock after having been up for 3+ hours...

    What a great way to start the day... Thank you Anandtech for this great article! Supurb! Now I have to agree with the poster above me, some info on the E6300 overclocking would about round out my curiosity!

    I have a question though, do y'all or anyone else have some CPUZ shots of a retail shipping Conroe? I believe this are supposed to be revision B2 stepping 6??

    As for the expected skeptics, my saying the numbers appear to jive won't mean anything... so I'll just say there are over 25 reviews out now of the Core 2 Duo released today. :)
  • mAdMaLuDaWg - Friday, July 14, 2006 - link

    I'm curious on if you tried OCing the E6300. What was the highest stable speed you were able to get.
  • xsilver - Monday, July 17, 2006 - link

    for those who dont want to read the xbit labs article
    the overclocking of the e6300 is limited by the motherboard - eg. cant get the board to boot at any higher than 420mhz fsb

    we may have to wait for nvidia's core2 solution to see higher fsb's

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