CPU Benchmark Performance: Encoding

Another of the interesting elements of modern processors is encoding performance. This covers two main areas: encryption/decryption for secure data transfer and video transcoding from one video format to another.

In the encrypt/decrypt scenario, how data is transferred and by what mechanism is pertinent to on-the-fly encryption of sensitive data - a process by which more modern devices are leaning towards improving software security.

We've updated our list of encoding benchmarks for our 2024 CPU suite to include some of the most relevant and recent codecs, such as AV1, HEVC, and VP9. Not only this, but we have also included FLAC audio encoding as well as WebP2 image encoding into the mix to show not only how the latest processors perform with these codecs but also to show discrepancies in performance throughout the different segments.

We are using DDR5-5200 memory as per the JEDEC specifications on the Ryzen 7 8700G and Ryzen 5 8600G, as well as DDR4-3200 on the Ryzen 7 5700G and Ryzen 5 5600G. The same methodology is also used for the AMD Ryzen 7000 series and Intel's 14th, 13th, and 12th Gen processors. Below are the settings we have used for each platform:

  • DDR5-5200 CL44 - Ryzen 8000G
  • DDR4-3200 CL22 - Ryzen 5000G
  • DDR5-5600B CL46 - Intel 14th & 13th Gen
  • DDR5-5200 CL44 - Ryzen 7000
  • DDR5-4800 (B) CL40 - Intel 12th Gen

(3-1) WebP2 Image Encode: Q 75, CE 7

(3-1b) WebP2 Image Encode: Q 100, LC

(3-2): SVT AV1 Encoding: Bosphorus 1080p, Fastest Preset

(3-2b): SVT AV1 Encoding: Bosphorus 4K, Fastest Preset

(3-3) SVT AV1 Encoding: Bosphorus 1080p, Mid-Speed Preset

(3-3b) SVT AV1 Encoding: Bosphorus 4K, Mid-Speed Preset

(3-4) Dav1d AV1 Benchmark, Summer Nature 4K

(3-5) SVT-HEVC Encoding: Bosphorus 1080p, Higher Quality

(3-5b) SVT-HEVC Encoding: Bosphorus 4K, Higher Quality

(3-6) SVT-VP9 Encoding: Bosphorus 1080p, Quality Optimized

(3-6b) SVT-VP9 Encoding: Bosphorus 4K, Quality Optimized

(3-7) FFmpeg 6.0 Benchmark: libx264 Encode, Live Scenario

(3-7d) FFmpeg 6.0 Benchmark: libx265 Encode, Live Scenario

(3-8) FLAC Audio Encoding 1.4: WAV to FLAC

(3-9) 7-Zip 22.01 - Compression Rating

(3-9b) 7-Zip 22.01 - Decompression Rating

When it comes to encoding performance, as expected, the performance of both the Ryzen 7 8700G and the Ryzen 5 8600G doesn't quite reach the levels of the typical desktop chips. Performance in this area is where we expected it to be, again with the Ryzen 7 8700G beating out the previous Ryzen 7 5700G APU, and the same with the Ryzen 5 8600G and the Ryzen 5 5600G.

With the latest firmware, which removes the STAPM power limitations, we can see that it doesn't really affect the Ryzen 7 8700G in our encoding tests. We do, however see some bumps in performance without STAPM limitations on the Ryzen 5 8600G, although in the vast majority of use cases, the performance is very marginal.

CPU Benchmark Performance: Power, Productivity And Web CPU Benchmark Performance: Rendering
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  • zodiacfml - Monday, January 29, 2024 - link

    thanks but it would have been nicer for me with an i3-12100 in the charts. The 13100f or 12300f tests from old reviews not comparable.
  • TheinsanegamerN - Tuesday, January 30, 2024 - link

    Take 13100f and extrapolate. Not that hard.
  • PeachNCream - Tuesday, January 30, 2024 - link

    Not a bad CPU overall, though it does absolutely devour electrical energy. Competition is far worse, but that shouldn't justify a CPU alone consuming more power than would be required to provide illumination to an entire home - it's worth eleven 800 lumen lights! In the evenings or night, I usually have four or fewer bulbs active for half the power consumption or less than this CPU at sub-maximum workloads WITHOUT the rest of the supporting components a PC requires to provide useful functions. Perspective makes it obvious that's quite terrible when we live on a world that is overpopulated, polluted, and hanging on the precipice of being unable to sustain enough food production to feed us and we all know what happens when humans are hungry and forced to compete for limited resources.
  • TheinsanegamerN - Tuesday, January 30, 2024 - link

    If you're that scared of power use, buy a celeron mini PC and be quiet.
  • PeachNCream - Tuesday, January 30, 2024 - link

    Some of us have to care because it's obvious a lot of us don't and have our heads buried in the sand.
  • TheinsanegamerN - Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - link

    Why are you using a PC if you care? why are you not in a commune growing organic crops by hand if you care so much?

    Nobody cares about your virtue signaling.
  • PeachNCream - Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - link

    Clearly you feel threatened enough by your own lifestyle choices to care by going on the attack and suggesting some extreme alternative like this commune nonsense as if suggesting it eliminates any slight adjustment to your own actions that could offer a reduction in the guilt you're coping with by lashing out.
  • erotomania - Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - link

    How exactly is a 65W processor with graphics "gobbling power"? If you mean inefficient, i suppose we could discuss, with facts. But these are modern Ryzen cores, with some mobile genetics - I don't think inefficient applies.

    In the past I had some Richland APUs (with FX cores) that were definitely inefficient but still idled as low an anything else. I have a 5600G system that idles so low my UPS can't detect it, event though when not idle the system is OC'ed. I would not characterize either as gobbling power.
  • PeachNCream - Thursday, February 1, 2024 - link

    I've already somewhat pointed out why there the consumption is a considerable factor. ~87W at full load as indicated on AT's measurements is enough to provide illumination for an entire home. That isn't a comment on efficiency (or work accomplished for power expended) and I didn't indicate that in my initial post. It's an observation about the power cost implications and impacts of a PC when a single component consumes that much energy and it still, as a standalone device, is an incomplete representation of overall power consumption of a PC built around it.

    And, it's fair to point out that it is NOT an Intel CPU with far higher consumption. I also mentioned that as well in the same post. AMD's CPUs demonstrate a better work-to-wattage ratio so please realize that I'm aware that among all desktop CPUs, this particular chip is far from the worst possible option.
  • maxijazz - Saturday, February 3, 2024 - link

    Maybe people feel threatened because proud woke people (aka communists-fascists) want to enforce their lifestyle on others? By lobbied out new laws, by propaganda, by censorship.
    Otherwise nobody would feel threatened.
    Live your life and let others live theirs.
    If you like force others for good of society, world or universe, go to North Korea. They have communism as state's religion.

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