
With the rise of the handheld gaming PC market, we've seen PC vendors and their partners toy with a number of tricks and tweaks to improve improve framerates in games, with some of their latest efforts on display at this year's Computex trade show. Perhaps the most interesting find thus far comes from ADATA sub-brand XPG, who is demoing their prototype "Nia" handheld PC, which uses eye tracking and dynamic foveated rendering to further improve their rendering performance. For those unfamiliar, dynamic foveated rendering is a graphics technique that is sometimes used to boost performance in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications by taking advantage of how human vision works. Typically, humans can only perceive detailed imagery in the relatively small central area...

NVIDIA SHIELD Price Cuts and Portal

NVIDIA has a couple big SHIELD-related announcements today. The first is a “limited time” price cut to $199. The original price was $299, which then dropped to $249 &ndash...

20 by Jarred Walton on 3/25/2014

NVIDIA Consolidates Game Streaming Tech Under GameStream Brand; Announces Shield Console Mode

As part of their Montreal game showcase announcements, NVIDIA has announced that come October 28th the company will be consolidating their various PC game streaming technologies under a single...

15 by Ryan Smith on 10/18/2013

Xbox One: Unboxed

We’ve already discussed the hardware of the Xbox One (or Xbone as Brian likes to call it) and compared it with the PlayStation 4, so all that’s left is...

41 by Jarred Walton on 8/8/2013

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